Thursday 9 May 2013

#ThrowbackThursday - Taio Cruz: I Just Wanna Know

If you had told me in 2006 that Taio Cruz would be what he is today, not only would I have laughed in your face, but I probably would have made a Facebook status that looked something like this:

Ah how wrong I would have been.

Back in the winter of old 2006, a young lad by the name of Jacob decided he would kick off his music career with the spectacular single I Just Wanna Know, which only reached #29 in the UK singles charts, and #90 in the same chart again when they re-released it (for whatever reason). Personally this song makes me a little sad when I think about it as it’s so good, yet Taio’s latest single is so... mmmerrghhhh. But that’s what happens when you follow the money rather than lead it I guess. Anyswags, enjoy today’s #ThrowbackThursday selection, I Just Wanna Know by Taio Cruz.

I Just Wanna Know
Taio Cruz

Post by MrReesh - Witty line still pending due to irony - Twitter: @MrReesh

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